
Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Everland here we come!!

Hoho, i think it is already 2 months since we went back from Korea.. Baru nak update pasal Everland.. Actually we went to Everland on day 6th.. A totally one day trip! Everland ni jauh jugak but not that far.. I think just `1 hour je kot.. Tips to Everland:
1) Please plan your itinerary.. Pergi waktu hari cerah dan tak hujan and weekdays.. Not weekend okay... Kalau tak, habis masa beratur je..
2) Please bring food.. especially kalau ada kids, please prepare some biscuits and drink.. Masa masuk tu,diorang tak check bag pun.. So, please bring your lunch.. For me, that time we bring nasi (microwave siap2 dari hostel) and some makanan segera dalam tin and sambal tumis.. Itupun dah walla!! Sedap!! But you also can buy shrimp burger.. there is one burger restaurant they sell shrimp burger! oh, that one so nice..
So, how to go to Everland if you are travelling with kids and grand parents? I would suggest the best is just use the trip package. Senang tak payah pening-pening kepala.. First, go to the Everland website. Then go to the Everland guide and transportation.. There will have a time table of shuttle bus.. Or, you can just straight away to the package include by Daesung Tour.. Total price for adult is 47,000 won include general admission to Everland and round trip bus and for kids is 39,000 won.. How to book is, you have to call them one day before or two days before departure.. So what i did was, i asked my hostel receptionist to call them for me.. Easier!!! So just tell  them your name, how many adults and kids and what station you gonna wait.. Then, pay the total by cash at the bus station. They will give you the tickets there. Mudahkan.. So, because i stayed in Jongno area, my station of course la Jongno (3) ga station exit 12. Senang mudah.. Tak payah naik subway dah.. Jalan kaki je dari hostel.. Make sure you will be there earlier like 10-15 minutes. They definitely not gonna wait you.. When you arrive at Everland, you have to take shuttle bus from Everland parking area to Everland main gate. For return, your bus will departure on 6.30pm.. So, plan your time accordingly..
Everland ni series besar!! Besar gila.. Mula-mula masuk please take tour map!! This is must! Kalau tak, mahu sesat dalam tu.. Map boleh dapat dekat pintu masuk utama, jgn risau.. Because of the Everland is so huge, i recommend, please start on zoo safari first.. Entahlah, maybe because you have kids and orang tua, so safari is the best choice to go first.. Adrenaline nak main roller coaster tu, macam tak de sangat.. So, we start on Safari first.. Safari dia besaaarrr.. and best gilos!! bak kata my dad, seumur hidup dia tak pernah pergi safari yang awesome macam ni! for me, sangat berbaloi..

Ini bila baru sampai Everland

Study map dulu.. baru boleh jalan,.

Ini di lost valley.. Sini boleh naik bas yang 2 alam tu..

Ada panda.. Tak payar bayar extra mcm kat zoo negara tu.. Memang best!


Ini paling best! bas bot ni macam amfibia.. 2 alam.. atas darat boleh, atas air pun boleh.. 

Animals is just around the corner.. Dekat sangat2!!

Ini paling best!! Giraffe siap masuk kan kepala dalam bas lagi.. macam awesome gila!

Diorang cakap korea je.. Tapi sangat suka tengok diorang bekerja.. Ikhlas. Tengok macam happy je bila cerita pasal animals kat sana..

Ini pun best jugak! Animal safari.. Memang dekat habis.. Yang best kat sini, sebab haiwan diorang in action. Takla tido je kan?

Hah, ini white tiger.. first time tengok ni..

ini paling best! Bear in action.. Series! the bears siap berlari-lari lagi.. 

Hah, ini masa bear tu lari nak dapatkan makanan.. Memang awesome!.. 

 I recommend that this safari you go first,, Sebab safari sini lain sangat dengan Malaysia.. memang best and awesome.. Kalau lambat, orang makin ramai, and beratur panjang.. Okay, after we done with all the safaris.. we took lunch and solat zuhur.. Sini ada surau sebelah mistery mansion.. Tapi campur lelaki n perempuan. Luckily, masa kami solat, its just our family je.. So, mudah la.. Bila dah habis solat, baru ramai orang masuk take turn.. After we settle with lunch and solat, at 2.30 pm  (i think) there is a parade.. macam pertunjukkan kereta berhias mcm tu.. just nice je timing..

Hah ini masa nak tunggu parade..

Best okay.. Lama jugak tau.. Rasanya dalam 20 min jugak!.. Okay, setel parade kami berpakat dengan mak abah suruh tunggu kat gate depan pukul 5.30pm sebab bas bertolak 6.30pm.. Disebabkan kami ada kids, kami terus ke kids area.. Semua permainan budak2.. Mak abah prefer tangkap gambar je..

So, kami pun naik kuda ni.. Ini orang dewasa pun boleh naik.. hehe

Sesi bergambar

Bila dah nak balik.. 

So overall Everland ni MUST GO!! Seriously..Memang best! Besar sangat sampai tak cover semua pun.. Yang roller coaster and yang lain memang tak dapat naik.. Ye lah, nak setel anak lagi kan.. Dapat pergi Safari tu pun dah okay sangat..Nak bergambar lagi.. Berjalan lagi.. So, bas bertolak balik 6.30pm.. Sampai Jongno dah malam.. Makan apa yang ada je kat bilik.. Memang penat betul.. Malas nak singgah-singgah restaurant dah.. Apa-apapun, Everland memang ttooorrrbaikkk...