Hi guys,
I completely forgot about this blog. Like, seriously. Until my friend in the office discovered this and asked whether I have a blog called OUR CHAPTER? I was like? Huh, how do you know?..
You know, neither of my family nor my friends knows about the existence of this blog. Sometimes I also forgot that I have a blog. Haha. I just want to write whatever I feel I like to share to everyone including strangers, or my new friends. But then when my friend asked about this, I was like.. oohh yaaa.. I should start writing back again. But what am I suppose to write? Ok, maybe a little update from me I guess?
Ok, shoot.
Well, after I had submitted my thesis, I got an offered to be a postdoctoral researcher under a Centre, in UTP. Alhamdulillah. Even though it was just a contract but it is okaylah better than never right? But until now, I am still looking for a permanent position as a lecturer in IPTA/S but it seems very difficult. I guess nowadays even PhD graduates also got no job. It was so hard to find an academic position. Some people told me that not all PhD graduates are meant to be a lecturer. You could also apply for a manager position or perhaps being as a consultant. But you know what is the ambition means?
It was my ambition to be a teacher (first) but now I've upgraded to be a lecturer and I have a lot of things to offer. It is a PASSION. I love to teach students and get on well with them. Well, I had once worked as a lecturer before I pursue my PhD studies. It was the best working experience I had being as a lecturer. But I had to left because I pursued my PhD. But now, apparently, I am looking for a lecturer position AGAIN. It was hard. Damn hard. To find a career and settle down with your job and you don't have to search Jobstreet again and again. Gosh. Why so many PhD graduates nowadays? (It is good actually, though).
So, yeah. Now, my contract as a postdoctoral has just ended because of the grant dateline also ended eventhough there are still 3.4m are left. Hopefully, the grant will get an extension and we can go back to work as usual and get paid. But I doubt with this (the extension approval). The date of BOT meeting kept postponed like they did not take this case seriously. Aren't they know that under this grant, there are numbers of staff? And because of this, currently, we are jobless. Oh yeayyy.. no job. no money. no shopping. no online shopping also. sob. sob. yayy?
So yeah. This is my life now. Looking for a job and sometimes hoping that the grant project can get an extension at least for a next 6 months. I am not complaining. Still depends on you, how would you read it. I just share my random thought and what really currently happening in my life. But I am still thinking that, of all these rezeki that I have, I am still blessed. I have my family. My husband. My adorable kids. My mother. My late father (just passed away last month- I will update bout this later). I am still healthy and alive. Alhamdulillah. After all, these also a rezeki from Allah. I always believe that if you want something, but you did not get it, trust me. Allah knows what is best for you and when is the best for you. So, be patient and always pray to Allah as he is the one who gives all these rezeki to you. And always remember that rezeki is not always about a job, or money. These also what I have now are my rezeki that I have received from Allah SWT.
Thank you Allah.
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