To be honest, penat sungguh menjadi seorang PhD student . Of course people always thought that PhD students always know EVERYTHING! Yes, EVERYTHING with capital letters. Like me, I am a PhD student in Chemistry. So some of my family, my friends, my students thought that I know EVERYTHING in Chemistry. So, sometimes bila diorang tanya soalan luar alam, and I was just like.. "hah,errrmmm tak sure la pulak.." Then, they will replied like "hah, kata student PhD......, takkan tak tahu..!!" and I was like ptttffffff :p
Common guys, doesn't mean I am a PhD student, I know everything!.. And doesn't mean if I cant answer, then I know nothing! Betul tak? kan!!
Well, this would explain everything. I hope:-
Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge:
By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little:
By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more:
With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty:
A master's degree deepens that specialty:
Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge:
Once you're at the boundary, you focus:
You push at the boundary for a few years:
Until one day, the boundary gives way:
And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D.:
Of course, the world looks different to you now:
So, don't forget the bigger picture:
Keep pushing.
See, Nampak tak? Phd tu tak lain dan tak bukan hanya sebesar ketuat je.. Ketuat pun lagi besar! And please don't underestimate me if I cant answer your question!
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